Student Solution


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Module 2 Ch 5 Case study

ch 5

Q CLINICAL CASE REPORT Chapter 5 Running Problem: Cystic Fibrosis 1. Is the CFTR a chemically gated, a voltage-gated, or a mechanically-gated channel protein? 2. 2) Based on the information given, is the CFTR protein on the apical or basolateral surface of the sweat gland epithelium?

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1.Facts: Chemically gated channels open when a ligand binds to them . Voltage –gated channels open with a change in the cells membrane potential .Mechanically gated channels open when a physical force opens the channels . CFTR’s open when ATP binds to the channel protein 2.Integration and Analysis: ATP is a chemical ligand ,which means CFTR’s are chemically gated channel proteins.